I am starting to think about Faith's big girl room again. Really, when you think about it, it won't be that long until she transitions out of her crib and into a twin bed. Plus, it is SO much fun to plan. She'll probably move into her new room sometime this summer. Her big girl room will be what it now Derek's office. It is painted green, and we're going to keep it that color. My mom is helping me to decorate, and we've decided on a shabby-chic nature theme that's fun and whimsical.
We're going to use the bedding set pictured above. I love the owls and trees. I have my eye on those butterfly mirrors too. And, oh my gosh, did you ever see such a cute tree branch lamp? I can already picture Faith in that bed. Can you love a bedding set?
We're going to paint a tree on Faith's wall where her pretend play (a kitchen set and table with chairs) area will be. Something similar to the picture below. The trunk and branches will be pink. The leaves will be in shades of pink, blue, and green. I think. I've contacted a local artist to get an estimate on how much it would cost to have the tree (and maybe an owl or two) custom painted in her room.

Faith's play kitchen. We're getting her this for her second birthday. Shhh....don't tell her.

I am on the lookout for a small used table and chair set that I could paint to match Faith's room. Make believe playtime...I can already picture Faithie having tea parties and "cooking" in her kitchen.
I am keeping the furniture in Faith's big girl room to a minimum so that she'll have plenty of play space. She'll have her bed, nightstand, kitchen set, and table set. In her closet, I will put storage for all her other toys and clothes. I can't wait to get started on this project next year!!
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