Christmas was wonderful this year. It is such a treasure to spend Christmas with my husband and daughter. We were pretty low key this year. Icy weather kept us from braving the cold to attend the Christ,as Eve service, like we usually do. But, we had fun staying in and playing cards with my mother-in-law and eating lots of yummy food. This year I made ham, turkey, stuffing with dried cherries, toasted pecans and sweet sausage, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, glazed apples with dried fruit, a peanut butter and chocolate dessert, fudge, and Happy Birthday Jesus cupcakes.
On Christmas day, we slept in and Derek made me breakfast. What a treat! He even got up with Faith, and let me sleep in extra late. His mom came over for lunch and after Faith's nap, she opened presents. We decided to not wrap anything this year, as the concept is beyond her. We put all of her new toys under the tree, and she made a beeline as soon as she spotted them. We were very good about staying within our budget. We spent a hundred dollars on Faith (she is our one and only right now) and we each had fifty dollars to spend on the other. God really blessed that fifty dollars. Derek was given a gift card from work, and he used that with his money to buy me a really, really nice MP3 player.
I went on E-Bay and I bought him a new to us Wii system. It cam with two regular remotes, two numchucks, two games, and a barely used system. I also got him a remote charger station, and two extra games (buy one, get one half off). I spent way over my budget (although I got a phenomenal deal), and figured we could pay it off over the next couple of months. Derek really, really, really wanted that Wii. And, I really, really, really wanted to give it to him. He deserves something special for being such a great husband and hard worker.
Here's the blessing: Two very special family members gave us unexpected amounts of Christmas money to use on a family present. Once I took out their gift money from the total that I spent on Derek, it ended up that I only spent 50 bucks. Tell me that isn't a blessing from above. And, thank you M and J!
Christmas is NOT about presents, food, or playing games. It is about celebrating Christ's birth, which brought us everlasting life. However, I do thank God for the ability to give presents to my loved ones, cook them good food, and enjoy their sweet company. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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