Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009
Christmas was wonderful this year. It is such a treasure to spend Christmas with my husband and daughter. We were pretty low key this year. Icy weather kept us from braving the cold to attend the Christ,as Eve service, like we usually do. But, we had fun staying in and playing cards with my mother-in-law and eating lots of yummy food. This year I made ham, turkey, stuffing with dried cherries, toasted pecans and sweet sausage, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, glazed apples with dried fruit, a peanut butter and chocolate dessert, fudge, and Happy Birthday Jesus cupcakes.
On Christmas day, we slept in and Derek made me breakfast. What a treat! He even got up with Faith, and let me sleep in extra late. His mom came over for lunch and after Faith's nap, she opened presents. We decided to not wrap anything this year, as the concept is beyond her. We put all of her new toys under the tree, and she made a beeline as soon as she spotted them. We were very good about staying within our budget. We spent a hundred dollars on Faith (she is our one and only right now) and we each had fifty dollars to spend on the other. God really blessed that fifty dollars. Derek was given a gift card from work, and he used that with his money to buy me a really, really nice MP3 player.
I went on E-Bay and I bought him a new to us Wii system. It cam with two regular remotes, two numchucks, two games, and a barely used system. I also got him a remote charger station, and two extra games (buy one, get one half off). I spent way over my budget (although I got a phenomenal deal), and figured we could pay it off over the next couple of months. Derek really, really, really wanted that Wii. And, I really, really, really wanted to give it to him. He deserves something special for being such a great husband and hard worker.
Here's the blessing: Two very special family members gave us unexpected amounts of Christmas money to use on a family present. Once I took out their gift money from the total that I spent on Derek, it ended up that I only spent 50 bucks. Tell me that isn't a blessing from above. And, thank you M and J!
Christmas is NOT about presents, food, or playing games. It is about celebrating Christ's birth, which brought us everlasting life. However, I do thank God for the ability to give presents to my loved ones, cook them good food, and enjoy their sweet company. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
New Baby's Life Verse?
I have been thinking about our new little baby that we are praying to join our family. I have been praying for her and my thoughts are never far from her. I got to thinking about what would be a good life verse for her. We picked a life verse for Faith, and will pick one for each of our children. We see a child's life verse as a special little prayer just for that child which focuses on something specific we desire for that child. Faith's is about living a life of grace - both giving it and receiving it.
Yesterday, I was thinking that a verse on wisdom would be really appropriate for this little girl (more on why later). I googled Bible verses on wisdom, but nothing really caught my eye. I went about my day, and later that evening, I sat down to read from my Bible. I opened it randomly, not sure what book I wanted to read from. I scanned the page I had opened to, and much to my delight realized that I had opened to Proverbs 4, "Wisdom Is Important."
Verses 8-9 really stood out to me as being so appropriate for a little girl. The Lord is so good. He answered my unspoken prayer for guidance on the right verse for our new little girl. He answers prayers both great and small. Oh, how I pray and long for this child. Faith is going to make an excellent big sister!
Proverbs 4:8-9
"Treasure wisdom, and it will make you great; hold on to it, and it will bring you honor. It will be like flowers in your hair and like a beautiful crown on your head."
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
God's Promise
Psalm 113:4-9
(The Message)
God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God, our God,
so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent
heavens and earth?
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who've been thrown out with the trash,
Seats them among the honored guests,
a place of honor among the brightest and best.
He gives childless couples a family,
gives them joy as the parents of children.
What a blessed feeling to know that God fulfilled this promise in OUR family. Truly, we have great joy in our lives through our daughter and are childless no more, even though we are unable to conceive. What a miracle!
God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God, our God,
so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent
heavens and earth?
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who've been thrown out with the trash,
Seats them among the honored guests,
a place of honor among the brightest and best.
He gives childless couples a family,
gives them joy as the parents of children.
What a blessed feeling to know that God fulfilled this promise in OUR family. Truly, we have great joy in our lives through our daughter and are childless no more, even though we are unable to conceive. What a miracle!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Big Girl Room - Take Two

I am starting to think about Faith's big girl room again. Really, when you think about it, it won't be that long until she transitions out of her crib and into a twin bed. Plus, it is SO much fun to plan. She'll probably move into her new room sometime this summer. Her big girl room will be what it now Derek's office. It is painted green, and we're going to keep it that color. My mom is helping me to decorate, and we've decided on a shabby-chic nature theme that's fun and whimsical.
We're going to use the bedding set pictured above. I love the owls and trees. I have my eye on those butterfly mirrors too. And, oh my gosh, did you ever see such a cute tree branch lamp? I can already picture Faith in that bed. Can you love a bedding set?
We're going to paint a tree on Faith's wall where her pretend play (a kitchen set and table with chairs) area will be. Something similar to the picture below. The trunk and branches will be pink. The leaves will be in shades of pink, blue, and green. I think. I've contacted a local artist to get an estimate on how much it would cost to have the tree (and maybe an owl or two) custom painted in her room.

Faith's play kitchen. We're getting her this for her second birthday. Shhh....don't tell her.

I am on the lookout for a small used table and chair set that I could paint to match Faith's room. Make believe playtime...I can already picture Faithie having tea parties and "cooking" in her kitchen.
I am keeping the furniture in Faith's big girl room to a minimum so that she'll have plenty of play space. She'll have her bed, nightstand, kitchen set, and table set. In her closet, I will put storage for all her other toys and clothes. I can't wait to get started on this project next year!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Why Santa Won't be Visiting Our Home...
Do you remember being a kid around Christmastime? That sense of anticipation that hung in the air so thick you could almost cut it with a butter knife? That unparalleled giddiness you had waking up on Christmas morning? The rush to get to the Christmas tree where mounds of presents lay waiting for you that had not been there the night before? Oh, sweet Santa!
Yeah, I remember that too. But, we have decided to not include the traditional teaching of Santa Clause as a living, breathing, magical being in our family Christmas celebrations.
I know. It's kind of a revolutionary idea as I'm finding out by people's reactions when I tell them. People give you a funny look, their mouths hang open for a moment as they try to wrap their minds around a Christmas without a "real" Santa Clause visiting my poor, deprived child(ren). They quickly regroup and then present arguments about why that is absurd and we clearly have gone off the deep end. Oh, yes, our culture's ties to the man in the big red suit run very deep indeed.
But, this is an idea/ideal that we started toying around with before our firstborn ever came along. I was expecting strong reactions from certain people in our family, people who always have strong reactions to everything, but was taken aback by the strong reactions we got from some of our Christian friends. And, as seems to be par for the course in parenthood, complete strangers even feel the right to interject their thoughts on the subject.
Our initial reasoning were some that you might expect or have heard before from other people that have gone down the Santaless road:
~ We don't want to lie to our children. Not just lie, but create elaborate plans to help our children believe the lie.
~ We feel that some of the "truths" children are taught about Santa such as knowing all, being an invisible being who is real, etc conflict with eternal truths that we are teaching our children at the same exact time about their Lord and Saviour.
~ Santa is about generosity personified. But, in our day and culture, we live in a time of giveme, giveme, giveme...I want, I want, I want. We feel that Santa is used to perpetuate that mindset in children. He is afterall, an advertiser's dream.
~ Santa outshines the birthday boy. Christmas is a religious holiday and observation which celebrates the birth of Christ the Messiah. Santa has become an idol of sorts. Don't believe me? Check out the Santa line at the mall the next time you are there.
~ If Santa gives gifts to all good boys and girls, what about children who don't receive gifts for reasons like poverty? Doesn't that make them naughty children?
But, it goes deeper than that. We've really been reflecting on this decision lately. How do you explain not doing Santa as a Christian family when so many other Christian families do. We have family and friends who are not Christians, so being able to really thoughtfully answer their questions/arguments on the subject is really important. They are watching what we do, what other Christians are doing, and are comparing that to what they do and the world that they are apart of is doing.
Obviously, lots of families, both Christian and pagan all over celebrate Christmas with an inclusion of the traditional Santa Clause teaching. Lots of children, upon learning of their parents and the world's deceit on the subject do not lose faith in their families. Nor do they consider them liars. Lots of children raised on Santa do go on to have strong, vibrant relationships with Christ.
So, why is it such a big deal for our family? The conclusion that my husband and I have come to, is that it is a lesson in obedience. God has laid this Santaless conviction on BOTH of our hearts. The question is, will we obey? Will we lay at our Father's feet all of our parenting decisions, both great and small?
Because, to be honest, it would be easier for us to shrug this conviction off. To say, well we were raised with Santa and turned out fine. To say, everyone else we know does Santa...they'll think we're weird or over-religious and self-righteous. To say, I don't want to risk our kids spilling the beans to their playmates, so lets have them believe in it as well. To just be like everyone else. But, we aren't like everyone else. We are aliens in this world. So, it's okay to do things differently.
God doesn't call all Christian parents to let go of Santa. But, He has called this parent and her spouse to let him go. That's the distinction. It's not about us, it's about God. It's about being obedient to Him. If we can't lay at the Lord's feet these small and seemingly insignificant parental decisions, how will we be prepared to hand over decisions that are a literal matter of eternal life and death?
"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible."
~ Proverbs 24:12

P.S. The Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are out too.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009

We are praying very, very hard about a possible adoption situation. One of the coworker knows someone who is possibly thinking about maybe placing their baby for adoption situations. She is only 16 weeks along, and a lot can happen before her April due date, so it is by no means a sure thing. We haven't even spoken to her. But, we are praying. We are praying for this young woman and for her unborn child. There are drugs involved, so prayer is especially needed. The Lord has already intervened once and saved this baby, so I feel so strongly that He will protect this child from the drugs. Some Bible verses have come to me while I have been praying that I wanted to share:
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jer. 29:11)
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together inside my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Ps. 139:13-16)
God is so amazing, and I KNOW He has a wonderful and marvelous plan for this tiny little baby. I just don't know if that plan includes being a member of our family or not.
Please pray for this baby and for Baby B. to find us in God's perfect timing.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Three in One Month
Derek has had three different coworkers approach him about three possible adoption situations in the last month. We have to wonder what the Lord is up to. He is definately wanting us to know He is in control and working behind the scenes. I am so glad He is, because I could have never in my wildest dreams imagined the blessings found through adoption and Faith. We don't know what, if anything will come from this, but it is all very exciting.
Tonight, we ordered Chinese for dinner and our fortune cookies were:
"It is wise to prepare for the unexpected."
"Change is coming your way."
Hmmm....keep us in your prayers!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm a Pioneer Woman Wanna-Be...
I live in the city...granted, a small, small city, but a city nonetheless. I want to live in the country. Not out in the boonies, but in a I-don't-have-to-worry-about-robbers-and-I-can-actually-see-the-stars country. I have been drawn towards living a much simpler lifestyle since we had Faith. I want the focus of our lives to be on things that matter. I want the kids to grow up exploring the woods, spending hours creating imaginary kingdoms on their outside play fort, eating dinner as a family every night, star-gazing on warm summer nights.
I want the kids to know that eggs come from chickens, not the store. I want part of our food to come from our very own garden (This may be tricky, as plants scream in terror when they see me coming.). I want Christmas to be focused on the 'Reason for the Season' not on buying, buying, buying. I want the kids to get up in the morning and help collect eggs from the hen house and feed The Mini's (I dream of having a farm with miniature farm animals). I want to look back at our lives and know that we did the very best job possible...as parents and as spouses. And, I guess part of what embodies that for me, is living on a farm.
I want the kids to know that eggs come from chickens, not the store. I want part of our food to come from our very own garden (This may be tricky, as plants scream in terror when they see me coming.). I want Christmas to be focused on the 'Reason for the Season' not on buying, buying, buying. I want the kids to get up in the morning and help collect eggs from the hen house and feed The Mini's (I dream of having a farm with miniature farm animals). I want to look back at our lives and know that we did the very best job possible...as parents and as spouses. And, I guess part of what embodies that for me, is living on a farm.
Now, we've already started simplifying our lives. We don't spend outside of our means, and that means that we don't have any credit card debt. We do occasionally do financing same as cash, but we always pay it off before the end period, so we don't have any interest payments. There is long term success in this lifestyle, but sometimes it is so hard to see the "world" living outside of their means and having so much more.
Another area we have simplified is our t.v. watching. Faith and I don't watch much, if any, television during the day. We listen to music instead (toddler tunes, Christian, classical, etc). After she goes to bed, Derek and I watch our favorite recorded shows. My goal, is to keep cutting down the amount of tv that we watch. This would free us up to spend more quality time together, and to focus more on God (through reading and Bible studies).
But, I want more. I want to live in the country. I want to raise some farm animals (chickens, ponies, mini donkeys, mini sheep, mini cows, mini goats, and a full size horse). I want to cook semi-homemade meals, and do lots of baking. I want our bread to come from my oven (actually my bread machine). I want the children to be the closest of siblings (granted there will be fights). I want to have the ability to pursue my interests and hobbies in life...learning to play the piano, learning to sew, digital scrapbooking and photography, reading and writing. I want life to be sweet and simple, but oh so filled.
Derek is not quite convinced of my plans to move us to the country. He's declared that he will not make his own butter, but apparently eating farm fresh eggs is acceptable. I'll get my way...he always blesses me with the desires of my heart. Isn't that what good husbands do?
My Blogs of Inspiration:
Do you have any other suggestions? I'd LOVE for you to post them in the comments section.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We're Moving in a Direction...
Adoption direction that is. The Lord is moving and we are faithfully (although somewhat nervously) following. It's kind of like we were on a really great hiking path. The views are amazing, the trail is easy but oh so rewarding, and if you had a choice, you'd pick that exact same hiking path again and again. You return for a second hike and you think you're going to take that exact same path...that you want to take that exact same path, but your tour guide decides to veer off onto a whole other trail. You feel like hold on a minute....I wanted to go on the trail I'm familiar with. You feel uncertain because you don't know where this path leads and you KNOW where the other one does. But, you follow your tour guide anyway, because he didn't lead you wrong when he suggested the first path.
That's what this second adoption journey is turning into. We thought we had it all figured out, but apparently we know nothing. We thought we'd use the same agency as before, now we are thinking (about 99.99% sure) we're going to use a consultant instead. We thought we'd adopt instate again. Now, we both feel very strongly that our second baby is not in Wisconsin. We thought we had a grasp on the finances. Not only does every little bit we manage to save seem to get sucked up by some emergency or great need, but this adoption looks like it will be about 25 percent MORE expensive.
It's kind of scary, but God keeps whispering to me that HE is in control and he's slowly starting to show me. A few months ago, I posted about a dream that I had. In that dream, we had a little baby girl who was about two years younger than Faith. The next night, I dreamed that we had that same little girl and a new baby who was about two years younger than baby number 2. I believe wholeheartedly that was a vision from the Lord. I believe that we will be blessed by the adoption of not one, but two more little girls.
A few weeks ago, Derek came home and told me about a coworker who approached him. She knows a couple who are expecting twin girls and are thinking about adoption. This coworker knew we had adopted and was curious if we were planning on adopting again. Derek said yes, and she said that she would pass our info along to this couple. Now, it doesn't seem like it's going to go somewhere as far as us adopting these girls, but it was pretty exciting and uplifting to see how God is always working in the background, even though you are unaware of what He is doing.
Then, He gave me peace about a fertility issue. I wax and wane on this issue, but lately it had again emerged as a struggle. Every month, as my period draws near, I have become anxious about whether or not I could be pregnant. Since my cycles are not regular, it's not unusual for me to be "late." This had just driven me into such a state, every month I was right back to feeling such disappointment. Well, recently God spoke to my heart and He asked me why I was feeling anxious about this when He told me (and I believed so firmly) that our next two children would be joining our family through adoption. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I felt (and have felt since then) such a since of relief about the issue (Don't you wish God would just lay everything out for you? I sure do.).
So, a few months ago, I called our agency from adoption #1 and put ourselves on the waiting list to start classes in January. While we've been waiting, I've been doing a ton of research on funding this next adoption. It's not that we're not able to financially raise a child, it's just that we do not have $$$$$ in cash. Who does, right? Well, I've been researching grants and loans. Derek's job finally, after years of people asking for it, as offered an adoption assistance of $5,000 per child (up to two children) per year. That is a huge blessing, because although we still have to front that $$ we know we will be getting all of it back right away (unlike the tax credit, which is reimbursed over the course of 5 years).
Well, while I was researching and we are waiting, I had started to research agencies in other states. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could adopt in a state with TPR (termination of parental rights) that occurred in 24-72 hours. In WI it's a mandatory 30 days, and ours took almost 60! That's a long time to feel in limbo and grow attached to a baby who could potentially leave your family.
Anyway, I started to have a growing feeling that our baby wasn't in Wisconsin. I looked at a ton of agencies, but nothing felt just right. I started talking to Derek about adopting out of state. To be honest, not using our perfectly good agency that we are very familiar with is a little scary. But, this feeling wouldn't go away.
One day, while researching adoption stuff I came across a relatively new business. This husband and wife recently (w/i the last year) started an adoption consultant (not to be confused with an adoption facilitator) call Faithful Adoption Consultants. I read their facebook page, blog, website. I even Googled the husband and wife. And you know what? I really liked what I saw. I talked about it with Derek and cyberly stalked this business (in a very noncreepy way), and just felt such a need to connect with them. I e-mailed and asked a lot of questions, and had a one-hour phone consultation. Turns out that I have a lot in common with the wife, who even shares my passion for dog rescue (anyone with a soft spot for dogs in need is gold in my eyes). I've e-mailed this poor woman until the point of she's probably sick of seeing me in her inbox asking her questions. But, it's because I really feel like this is the ONE. The one who will help us connect with our child. Derek's leaning this way too.
It's pretty exciting times in our household, but also pretty scary too. We're moving into new and uncharted waters. I have such a peace about it, but change is still scary. We're praying fervently that God would work the finances for us. I know He will, but I'm hoping that we can KNOW it ahead of time.
Keep us in your thoughts and I'll keep you posted.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Busy, Busy
I can't believe my last post was in August. Life is just so busy! Who knew that toddlers keep you on your toes. Today, I was on the phone and Faith got a hold of a paper towel tube that had that last piece of paper towel on it...the glued on piece. She was content, and I needed a few minutes to have my phone conversation (dog rescue stuff), so I let her have it. I now have a floor litered with confeti sized paper towel, but she had a good time, and I got to have my conversation :-) Now I must get the vacuum out, though. Plus, my other excuse for not blogging as much is that I have two blogs to maintain. This one, and Faith's birthparents. I'm really good at keeping theirs up to date, but slack on this one. I have pictures coming soon!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
God's Amazing Provisions
We have been praying that God would provide the finances for our next adoption. See, we've officially decided to pursue another newborn, transracial adoption. We attended an information session about adopting from the state, and we both agreed that was not the right path for our family right now...perhaps down the road.
I think we both wanted to pursue another domestic adoption from the start, but for whatever reason, the finances seem more of a mountain to cross than a small hill. I think it's because we used our fall back plan last time (we took out a home equity loan, because things moved so fast). We're still paying on that loan, and it isn't an option this time. Last time, I barely blinked an eye at the finances, so secure was I in God's provision of the money. But, this time, I don't know...it just seems more of an obstacle.
But, we've committed to building our family again this way, and have decided to give over the reigns to the Lord. We both really feel that this path is God's will for our family. So, we've been praying for God's provision....A LOT. I have also been reading about God's financial provisions for other families who have adopted. These stories are all amazing. God has provided families with all of their financial needs as they walked the road of adopting their child. And, along the way, I found that the theme of teaching from the Lord has been trust. It takes a lot to trust an invisible, Almighty being to provide for something that you want so badly. But, if you are willing to take that leap of faith, He does provide.
Now, we are starting to see God answering our prayers. I almost missed it for what it was. Earlier this week, Derek cam home and announced that his coworker's daughter had her baby on Friday...a little boy. She will be returning to work in six weeks, and they wanted to know if I would be interested in watching him. I told Derek to let me think on it, and went about my chores and what not.
Later that night, as I mulled on it, and did some financial calculations, I realized that opportunity to babysit (two days a week, a cute, little baby...my favorite kind of babysitting) would provide us with a nice piece of change that we could put towards our homestudy. It won't cover all of it by the time we want to start, but it is a fabulous babystep. I don't know if this babysitting opportunity will end up working out, but it was such a comfort to realize that God is and will put into motion the things needed to allow us to pursue our next child joining our family.
God is truly awesome!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
14 Months Old!!!
Time goes by so fast. We just can't believe that Faith is already 14 months old! She's changed so much just in the last couple of months. She is now walking...every where. And she's into everything. I have never seen such a perceptive little girl. She misses no speck of dirt nor dust bunny that she might be able to put into her mouth.
She looks so much more like a toddler now, especially when her hair is pulled back into pigtails. She's definitely taller and has slimmed out some. She's almost completely weaned from the bottle. In fact, she's only had one in the last four days (which is impressive, because we only started weaning her off the bottle four days ago). She is so incredibly verbal. She says mama, dada, daddy, nana, and dau (dog). But, she has such a wide variety of sounds, tones, and inflections. I swear that she can say, "There it is!" when we are reading her favorite series of pop-up books. It sounds just like how I say it, but without the words. And my mom swears she can say C.G. which is my mom's grandma nickname (it stands for Cool Grandma).
Faith loves books and boxes right now. They are her two favorite things. She has a basket of books that sit on a shelf in the dinning room. She will go and get a book, bring it to Derek or me, and sit in our laps while we read it to her. She will sit while we read book after book. She pulls up the flaps on the pop-up books, and points to the pictures. She also likes to help turn the pages.
She can crawl into the tub by herself now. Boy does this girl love the water! She hears me running a bath and comes running, trying to climb in fully clothed. She can also climb out of the tub, which I found out last week. I had my back turned for just a minute, getting something out of the linen closet (which is literally 10 steps from the tub), and I turned around and she was sliding across the bathroom floor on her belly like a penguin on ice.
Faith can take her diaper off herself too, which is why she always goes down for a nap or to bed with shorts or pants on. You remember the pee diaper incident a month or so ago? Well, last week we had a poo-diaper incident. It was the most disgusting thing ever! She was down for a nap, and I heard her waking up and playing. So, I go in to get her, and what do I find? Faith, covered in poop. She had taken her diaper off and thrown it onto the floor. Her sheet and crib were coated in yuck. It was all over her legs, arms, hands, and face! And do you know, that little stinker, greeted me with a smile...so I've learned my lesson ;-)
I took some pictures of Faith this morning, playing after breakfast. She is such a ham! Enjoy :-D
4th of July
We went for a bike ride on an old railroad line that had been converted into a biking trail. I think we went about 9 miles round trip. (The picture above was taken by Derek. Faith and I sat on the curb while he loaded the bikes and Faith's trailer back into the car.) Then, we did one of our favorite family activities...a scenic car ride around the Kettle Moraine North Park.
We debated about going to see fireworks in the evening, but decided against it. We'd have to wake Faith up, and we thought they might scare her. So, after Faith went to bed, we just hung out around the house. We got a private fireworks show, as it turned out, from our neighbors a couple of blocks behind us. They were setting off some pretty big fireworks, and we sat on the deck to watch them. All in all, we had a great day celebrating our freedom!
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