Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unexpected Moments

Have you ever crossed paths with someone and wondered why God chose to have the two of you meet? I had that happen to me yesterday. My student teaching placement is in a classroom located within a church. Yesterday, I was helping to clean the classroom and get it ready for school which starts next week.

When I arrived back at the site after lunch, the assistant classroom teacher came up to me. She said that a woman had walked into the church looking to talk with the pastor. She was in tears, and the assistant could not find the pastor. She asked me if I would mind sitting with this woman while she tried to find him.

For over 20 minutes, I sat with this woman, who was a complete stranger. She was utterly and totally broken in spirit. She cried, and I sat in silence. I cannot express enough how incredibly uncomfortable I was. I didn't know what to say, how to relate, how to I prayed. She did not want me to pray for her, so I prayed silently. I prayed for wisdom and guidance. I prayed that when I opened my mouth I would say the right thing. At that moment, I have to say, that my prayers focused more on me than on her. I was uncomfortable. I needed guidance. And so I prayed my selfish prayers, and I sat.

As the woman cried, she started to open up to me. Her home had burned up in a fire. She moved in with a family member, who then started to physically beat her. She couldn't stay any longer, so she went to live in a shelter and hated it there. Her car had broken down that morning. And on, and on, it went. Deep wounds that had never healed from her childhood bubbled over and mixed in with talk about the book she was reading right now, her sadness at missing the Olympics on tv because there is no television at the shelter, her accomplishments in college, and cousin who recently died from alcohol poisioning on his twenty-first birthday.

I did my best to say the right things, to try and comfort her, but mostly I sat in silence and listened. My heart went out to this woman, and I wish that I could take her pain away from her. Eventually, I was called away to my teaching duties, and she was told she could stay at the church for as long as she needed. As I left the room, I was filled with gratitude at having a reason to escape from so much raw pain. But, I could not stop thinking about her. I went to check on her a little while after I left the room. As I walked down the hall, I battled with conflicting emotions. I hoped she had decided to leave and I hoped she was still there. As I rounded the corner, I could see that the pastor had finally been found. Coward that I was, I retreated back with relief to my classroom.

I wonder why God had me cross paths with this woman. I don't know that I did her much good. I offered a listening ear, and not much else. But, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. All day my thoughts have drifted back to her crying with her head bent in defeat. She has touched me deeply, and I only wish that I had been able to touch her life on some deeper level.

Jesus went to the cross for this woman. He took a beating for this woman. He endured verbal batterings for this woman. His Father turned His back on Him for this woman. He came back from the dead for this woman. He loves this woman.

I spared twenty minutes of my day for this woman, and dreaded it the whole time. Perhaps God had her cross my path to teach me some much needed lessons in mercy, empathy, caring, and sacrifice. I certainly have seen how self-centered and shallow I am. Jesus died for me too, and it's about time I start acting like it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Official End of Summer...

Today is my official last day of summer. (**sigh**) I start Student Teaching tomorrow, and while I am glad to finally be at this point, I am sad to see summer come to an end. But, we have had one amazing summer! I started whining about my summer coming to an end right after the 4th of July. See, around here, summer goes down hill from there real fast. It's the end of August and we already have frost advisories up Nort' (as the natives say), and the trees have started to turn by us.

But, as I was complaining to my mom she said, "Yes, how awful that you have had such a wonderful, interesting summer that it went by so fast for you." Aside from my initial irritation (I was looking for some sympathy), I realized that she was right. So, I have been reflecting on our summer, and it has been full of adventure! This summer I/we have:

  • Brought home our daughter
  • Walked across the Fox River
  • Gone hiking
  • Visited several state parks
  • Climbed up 300 ft. to see an amazing scenic view
  • Had several family Sunday drive
  • Got up close to the giant windmill farm located nearby
  • Drove to the Dells and saw the now empty Lake Delton
  • Dinned in Milwaukee
  • Traveled to Illinois Traveled to Virginia
  • Gone to the county fair
  • Took a day trip into D.C.
  • Spent quality time together as a family
  • Celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary
  • Watched the Perseid Meteor Shower
  • Saw the new Batman Movie - The Dark Knight
  • Attended a couple of picnics
  • Hung out with some awesome friends who we don't get to see very often
  • And more that I can't remember right now....

    So, goodbye Summer. It's been a blast! Until we meet again next year...

Our Summer in pictures:

(We brought Faith home the first day of our summer vacation.)

(Faith enjoyed hanging out with the dogs this summer.)

(We hiked up 300 steps...)

(...for this amazing view.)

(Derek with the dogs on one of our many family drives.)

("Lake" Delton)

(Visiting D.C. brought back all of our memories from our courtship.)

(We love to hike!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

2 Seconds of Fame

Fortune Magazine visited Derek's job months ago. They were writing an article about the innovations at K-C with their Huggies diapers. Derek is in charge of the research and development team at K-C that tests these super Huggies on mannequins. Fortune released their article today, and a video. In that video you can watch yours truly's husband in a 2 second cameo in the video.

Check it out...It's pretty neat. The mannequins that they show and the lab are Derek's. The woman in the goggles and blue lab jacket is his assistant, Lisa (who's super nice, btw). That is his lab in the picture above, which can be seen on the Fortune Magazine's article website.
I just had to brag...

For the article and video click here: Derek's Cameo

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Giggle, Giggle, We Have the Giggles

The most amazing thing happened today! Faith giggled for the very first time. It was the most awesome sound in the whole wide world. It was so contagious that Derek and I started laughing too. We tried the rest of the day to make her laugh again, and although she smiled and squeaked, we were not able to elicit another laugh. I think it won't be long before we hear her laughing all the time...

The Best Part of VBS...

So, on Friday I was talking to some of the kids at the end of VBS. I asked them what did they enjoy the most about VBS this year. Their answers?

~ Carmel Appels
~ Playing Games
~ Snacks
~ Faith (as in our baby)

I swear I didn't bribe them, but it sure made my heart glad :-)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Did they have drugs back then?

Today at VBS, I went to change Faith, and the changing table was located in the same room as the Bible story. As I was changing her, I overheard this conversation:

Story Teller: Today we are going to learn about a son whose family had lots of money. He knew that one day he would inherit his portion of his family's money, but he was impatient. He wanted it now. He also wanted to leave his family, and go off on his own. He asked his father for his portion of the money, but his father didn't want to give it to him. Why do you think his father was hesitant to give his son so much money at kind of a young age?

Child 1: Because he might spend it all.

S.T: What do you think he might spend all his money on?

Child 2: On drugs!

Child 3: They didn't have drugs back then.

Child 2: Oh, yes they did!

S.T: What other things might the young man have spent his money on?

Child 4: Legos!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


During VBS today, one of the adult volunteers took Faith for me, and fed her a bottle. While she was feeding her, a young child came up to her, and this was their conversation:

Child: Where'd you get that baby?!?!?
Adult: I found her on the sidewalk. I'm thinking of keeping her. What do you think?
Child: (With eyes very big) I don't think you can do that!

The Three Month Old Club

Faith has hit another age milestone ~ She's three months old! She is a shinning beautiful, expressive, and sweet. We are in love!!! This week she has been my helper at our church's VBS (Vacation Bible School). Faith is assisting me in entertaining the children and volunteers when they come to my station for snacks. Everybody loves Faith. She has been enjoying all of the attention so much.

Milestones: She has discovered her hands - they are always in her mouth. She can pull blankets, clothes, etc. to her mouth and suck on them - yummmm. She smiles all the time, and has "conversations" with mommy and daddy. She is eating up to 6 oz of formula at a feeding. (When she was a newborn, she ate 5 - 10 ml at a feeding!)

For your viewing pleasure, some three month old snapshots of our little princess...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Five Years!!!

Last Sunday, August 10th, was our five year wedding anniversary. I just cannot believe it has already been five years since I walked down the aisle and said "I do." Marriage is wonderful, and our courtship really helped to set a strong foundation.

All those hours spent talking on the phone, while we were so far apart, helped us to become amazing communicators. Really. Derek and I talk about every thing. If something is bugging the other person, it gets discussed. We also have a rule that you do not leave the house angry or go to bed angry. This can be anoying sometimes, but it forces us to deal with issues on the spot.

I was reflecting back over our life together, and realized just how much has happened. In five years we have:

  • Moved to a new city

  • Bought our first home

  • Adopted three dogs

  • Gotten involved in dog rescue and fostering

  • Become part of the leadership team at church

  • And, of course, welcomed home our beautiful daughter

Whew...It has been an amazing five years, and I look forward to many more with my beloved.

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tales of the Traveling Carseat

We just recently returned from a vacation in Virginia. We drove to Fredericksburg to visit my mom and family, who have just relocated to the area. They bought the most beautiful home that sits on ten acres. My mom is starting a dog farm.

Derek and I loaded up the car the night before our trip. We got up at 4:00 in the morning, and loaded up our most precious cargo. That is, one baby and three pit bulls. We then proceeded to drive eighteen hours across the country. Not once but twice...we did have to come back home. And, I'm proud to say that we survived our first family road trip with a child. Faith did amazingly well in the car. She slept blissfully unaware of the endless Ohio Turnpike that lay before us. I honestly thought we were going to be stuck in that state forever!

The dogs did really well too. They slept blissfully unaware in the back of the wagon. Every once in a while all three would wake up and take in the scenic drive. Motorists passing us would gawk at the sight of three large pit bulls in the back of our car. They all had huge smiles on their faces (and the people did too).

Our time in Virginia went way too fast. We enjoyed my family's company immensely. Every one loved Faith. She is the reigning princess of the family. My mom and step-dad's new house is amazing! Faith is going to LOVE growing up visiting there. There is a large pond with frogs to catch. Ten acres to explore. Deer and geese which visit on a regular basis. Not to mention the already promised pony to arrive in the somewhat near future. There are plans for a tree house and swing set. We enjoyed the scenery, county fair, and country nights. Faith is sure blessed with countless, wonderful childhood memories to come.

(Pictures from the farm: Faith and mommy rocking on the front porch; Faith and daddy, although she wasn't too happy about posing at the time; Faith in her carrier at the Fair; CG's and TC's farm; and the geese.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The $3500 Vet Visit

When we moved to Oshkosh, we picked a veterinarian clinic for our dogs based on convenience...the one literally a few blocks from the house. That clinic has been the bane of my existence. After complaining about the phone line which is perpetually busy, unfriendly staff, being asked to stand outside with my dog who was whining (not barking, mind you, whining), less than stellar pet care, etc; I finally decided that enough was enough. The dogs were due for an annual check up, and I picked another vet in town.

Let me say, when we walked out, we wondered why we had waited so long to switch. The staff was incredibly helpful and friendly. The vet stayed with us for an entire hour! It is quite a bit more expensive at this vet, but in this case, you get what you pay for.

While we were there, I mentioned that Ryan had been limping off and on, and holding his rear leg up. It had been going on for a few months, and I thought that perhaps he had pulled a muscle and it wasn't healing. Bless Dr. Lori! She examined him, and immediately diagnosed a nonlethal, but serious issue.

Ryan has a luxating patella in both of his knees (rear legs). What is a luxating patella you ask? Well, in essence his knee caps keep dislocating. The actual dislocation is painful for Ryan, although he has never cried out. She rated it a grade 3 on a scale between 1 and 4. This means he needs surgery. It has already caused him some arthritis, and he's only 3 years old. The longer we wait, the more damage being done.

We have an appointment for a consultation with an Orthopedic surgeon next Monday. The cost of surgery??? About $1500 a knee. Needless to say, we do not have $3000 laying around. Ryan needs the surgery, so we are weighing our options. Please say a prayer that our finances fall into place to cover this.

So, we went in for an annual check-up, and discovered one dog needs surgery. The vet visit cost $500. Derek said my face was priceless when we got the bill. Thank goodness we only go once a year!