Wednesday, August 5, 2009

God's Amazing Provisions

We have been praying that God would provide the finances for our next adoption. See, we've officially decided to pursue another newborn, transracial adoption. We attended an information session about adopting from the state, and we both agreed that was not the right path for our family right now...perhaps down the road.

I think we both wanted to pursue another domestic adoption from the start, but for whatever reason, the finances seem more of a mountain to cross than a small hill. I think it's because we used our fall back plan last time (we took out a home equity loan, because things moved so fast). We're still paying on that loan, and it isn't an option this time. Last time, I barely blinked an eye at the finances, so secure was I in God's provision of the money. But, this time, I don't just seems more of an obstacle.

But, we've committed to building our family again this way, and have decided to give over the reigns to the Lord. We both really feel that this path is God's will for our family. So, we've been praying for God's provision....A LOT. I have also been reading about God's financial provisions for other families who have adopted. These stories are all amazing. God has provided families with all of their financial needs as they walked the road of adopting their child. And, along the way, I found that the theme of teaching from the Lord has been trust. It takes a lot to trust an invisible, Almighty being to provide for something that you want so badly. But, if you are willing to take that leap of faith, He does provide.

Now, we are starting to see God answering our prayers. I almost missed it for what it was. Earlier this week, Derek cam home and announced that his coworker's daughter had her baby on Friday...a little boy. She will be returning to work in six weeks, and they wanted to know if I would be interested in watching him. I told Derek to let me think on it, and went about my chores and what not.

Later that night, as I mulled on it, and did some financial calculations, I realized that opportunity to babysit (two days a week, a cute, little favorite kind of babysitting) would provide us with a nice piece of change that we could put towards our homestudy. It won't cover all of it by the time we want to start, but it is a fabulous babystep. I don't know if this babysitting opportunity will end up working out, but it was such a comfort to realize that God is and will put into motion the things needed to allow us to pursue our next child joining our family.
God is truly awesome!

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