Monday, October 5, 2009

Busy, Busy

I can't believe my last post was in August. Life is just so busy! Who knew that toddlers keep you on your toes. Today, I was on the phone and Faith got a hold of a paper towel tube that had that last piece of paper towel on it...the glued on piece. She was content, and I needed a few minutes to have my phone conversation (dog rescue stuff), so I let her have it. I now have a floor litered with confeti sized paper towel, but she had a good time, and I got to have my conversation :-) Now I must get the vacuum out, though. Plus, my other excuse for not blogging as much is that I have two blogs to maintain. This one, and Faith's birthparents. I'm really good at keeping theirs up to date, but slack on this one. I have pictures coming soon!

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