Thursday, January 21, 2010

Adoption News...Kind of.

Faith and I met hubby for lunch today. We had a nice time hanging out and talking. We were discussing our adoption journey and about April Baby. We feel like the likelihood of her joining our family is diminishing. I guess it more like the hope of her joining our family is fading as her due date creeps closer and we've heard nothing more about the situation.
We were discussing what we wanted to do if that situation does not happen (as I still hold some hope). We were thinking about checking out Bethany, as it is a national agency and gives us more opportunity to match with potential expectant parents. We decided it was between them and Faithful Adoption Consultants, and were thinking we'd not use our previous agency this time. However, when I got home from lunch and check my e-mail, I had an e-mail from our previous sw, telling me a space had just opened up for us in the program we were in with Faith. Now, I'm super excited, but all over the map on what to do. Decisions, decisions...

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