Monday, April 27, 2009

TEA Party

While in Virginia, we had the opportunity to attend a fundraiser party, hosted by my mom and Brian. The focus of the party was the TEA party they were organizing for their area. Can you guess who the life of the party was? There were yummy treats, and Faith especially enjoyed nibbling on the most delicious strawberries you ever did taste.

We came home before the actual TEA party, but we attended on near us. I'm not sure if you heard about these on the news, but these were bipartisian protests organized all across the country. TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already.

My mom and stepdad's party in their city and had over 500 people in attendance. I think the one we went to in Fond du Lac had about 300 people (Large cities had as many as 16,000 people attend a rally!). Benjamin Franklin gave a great speach by us. Faith enjoyed people watching. We just really want to raise her to be aware of what is going on in the world around her, and to not be afraid to make her voice heard.

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